The Environment

Allsop is committed to reaching net zero. Both as a firm and as individuals, the impact we can have on the environment matters to us.
In 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted the scale of the challenges facing the world in order to keep global warming to 1.5C and its unprecedented impact on our climate, frequency of extreme weather, loss of species, water shortages and unsustainable food production. Five years later the IPCC’s 2023 report warned that this challenge has become even greater due to a continued increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
As a Partnership, Allsop aims to lead by example by taking responsibility for our own environmental impact.
As a member of the British Property Federation (“BPF”) we have signed up to their Net Zero by 2050 pledge, thereby committing to three principal actions:
- Members commit to setting net zero carbon targets and plans;
- Members commit to sharing research, knowledge and insight on an open source basis; and
- Members commit to supporting each other and the wider industry, to accelerate the transition to net zero.
We are optimistic that by collaborating with our fellow BPF members we can make great progress in reducing our sector’s impact on the environment.
As a member of the Property Advisers Forum, Allsop has also seed funded the Better Building Partnerships ESG course designed for Surveyors, Investors and Investment Managers. A number of Allsop staff have now attended this course and are actively encouraged to join us on our journey towards a greener and more sustainable business.
We have recently formed an Employee Forum and the Firm’s Management Board will work with this over the coming months to develop our roadmap to net zero, which we will share with our colleagues, clients and suppliers, raising awareness of how we intend to limit our greenhouse gas emissions with the intention of inspiring others to do the same.
Allsop’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Allsop’s Scope 1 & 2 emissions are reported on a “location basis”. The baseline was calculated for Financial Year ending March 2022.
FY2022 baseline – key findings
Baseline Year emission (tCO2e) |
Scope 1 |
101.58* |
Scope 2 |
43.25 |
Total Emissions |
144.83 |
* Due to more information becoming available, the FY22 natural gas emissions have been restated. The emission factor has been changed from LPG to natural gas. This allows for comparison between the years.
FY2023 baseline – key findings
Reporting Year 31 March 2023 (tCo2e) |
Scope 1 |
101.09 |
Scope 2 |
43.76 |
Total Emissions |
144.85 |
This analysis has been undertaken in alignment with the World Resource Institute’s GHG Protocol guidelines. The assurance has been carried out in line with the AA1000 Accountability Principles.
Wigmore Street (our largest office, Grade II listed) has a renewable electric energy supply but also utilises natural gas. In comparison our Leeds and City offices are fully electric.
Whilst benchmarking is difficult, we understand that based on publicly available data, our emissions compare well to our peer group.
Allsop Insights

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