The Urban Land Institute have published the 2nd Edition of their Best Practice Guide for the rapidly-emerging Build to Rent sector.
This Guide is not a house-building manual. It tackles what has to be done differently for the successful delivery of high quality and wide-ranging UK Build to Rent stock, in contrast to Build to Sale.
It has been almost two years since the launch of the 1st Edition and the residential rental market has moved on significantly over this period of time. The guide has been written by many of the leading industry experts in Build to Rent today for use within the industry.
Paul Winstanley– Partner at Allsop and Hazel Sharp – Business Development Director at Allsop Letting and Management, were both party to the creation of the “management chapters” within this new edition of the guide and we are very pleased to have been asked to contribute in the production of this excellent industry guide on Build to Rent.
Hazel comments:
“Edition 2 of the Build to Rent guide places even greater emphasis on the importance of management to the success of a Build to Rent scheme, whether to the investor’s returns, or to the customer’s experience.
We concur that it is crucial to engage the management team or manager partner right from the design stage. Indeed, the operating expense budget should be pivotal to the viability consideration itself.
Areas considered in more detail in this edition include amenity provision, running costs, technology, branding and marketing.
The chapter rightly concludes “management is Build to Rent”.”
Learn more about the Build to Rent services we offer.