Helping occupiers negotiate for the best possible outcomes

Property Occupier Services

How we can help you

Depending on where you are in your cycle of occupation, you will have different needs, which we can help you to get the best out of your property

  • Is your rates bill correct? Floor areas, valuation, right premises, right addressee? We can check this for free and can quickly tell you if you have a case to reduce your rates bill
  • Are you still dealing with dilapidations at your last property? Once you have vacated the landlord may do, or plan to do, significant work which supersedes the repairs that he has asked you to pay for. We can check this for you if you have not yet settled the repairing obligations yet with a view to removing expensive items from the Landlord’s claim


  • Rent Review negotiation – If you don’t have an expert appointed to negotiate on your behalf the landlord will often not take your negotiation seriously. Don’t agree anything without asking a rent review specialist to look over the proposals first
  • Break Negotiation – tenants often overlook the opportunity to use a break option to renegotiate the lease. The key point is to do it early (a year or two before the break date) and understand the landlord’s objectives
  • Has anyone checked that your Business Rates are not over-valued or has the valuation been changed unexpectedly? – we can check the valuation at any point in your lease. It is free to do and we can quickly tell you if you have a case to reduce your rates bill
  • Is there a building site next door? – we can often agree a Business rates reduction during the period of site works
  • Decide to Renew the Lease or Move or possibly Expand or Contract in situ – The operational decision has to be yours alone but we can advise on the cost implications of each option and once you have decided we will use our market and technical knowledge to negotiate better terms than you could expect to achieve directly
  • Last chance to check you have not been overpaying Business Rates – A successful reduction to you liability can be backdated for many years so before you move it is worth a last check to ensure any potential saving is captured
  • Early Exit or Contraction? Subletting, or surrendering office space early is often possible. We can advise you how to minimise the liabilities
  • Dilapidations and lease exit negotiations. This is the landlord’s last chance to bill you and they will have no future relationship with you to temper their business aims. It is worth checking that you are not paying for repairs that will never be done or, if you are being forced out, that you are not due compensation under your lease

Property Occupier Resources and Information


Business Rates in the Budget
News 01/11/24

Business Rates in the Budget

Business Rates | Occupier Business Rates

The Chancellor announced that:- Small Business Rates multiplier is fixed again (relevant to properties with an RV below 51,00...

Top Tips for Tenant Dilapidations
Blog 08/08/24

Top Tips for Tenant Dilapidations

Lease Consultancy | Occupier Dilapidations

Dilapidations represent the costs a tenant incurs to restore a property to its original state at the end of a lease. These co...

Five things to consider when your new rates bill arrives
Blog 11/04/24

Five things to consider when your new rates bill arrives

Lease Consultancy | Occupier

Five things to consider when your new rates bill arrives

New Rating Bill – changing business rates
News 16/10/23

New Rating Bill – changing business rates

Business Rates | Occupier Business Rates

Parliament is soon going to enact new primary legislation on business rates, which will have an impact on your pocket as well...

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